Sunday, May 15, 2016

Generic Post Apocalyptic Name Generator

Another Table for some quick Post Apocalyptic Names

Roll Male Female Surname Nickname Nickname 2
01 Alex Alice Ashdown Ace Mongrel
02 Alvin Allegra Bardo Animal Moonpie
03 Ash Alma Barrett Axeman Motown
04 Big Joe Amanda Bisco Baby Doll Mouse
05 Billy Amber Bloodworth Bacon Mouth
06 Bob Andrea Boaz Baldy Mr Sharp
07 Brick Angel Boddicker Bear Nitro
08 Buck Angie Boom Bedlam Nomad
09 Caine Ava Brubaker Beggar Old Man
10 Chet Birgit Cain Big Daddy One
11 Constantine Cally Canyon Bingo Painter
12 Creedy Chen Carlaw Black Hat Patch
13 Crowe Cherry Carver Blackheart Peewee
14 Cyrus Clara Castle Blade Phantom
15 Damon Corlie Chase Blood Phoenix
16 Dax Daphne Colt Bone Piggy
17 Deacon Darla Connor Boogie Pin Stripe
18 Dexter Deeja Cooper Boomer Pockets
19 Doon Dottie Cortez Boss Pockmark
20 Drake Elena Cox Brazen Ponytail
21 Edgar Ellie Craddock Breezer Pops
22 Emile Enola Crosse Brute Pork Chop
23 Ethan Eva Custance Buddy Psycho
24 Finn Flower Death Bull Pugnose
25 Francis Frey Deckard Butcher Queen Bee
26 Franco Ginger Denton Buzzsaw Rad
27 Garon Haley Dexter Caesar Rain
28 Geiger Holly Doe Cancer Rancid
29 Gibson Jackie Faizel Cannibal Rat Face
30 Grey Janice Friendly Carrot Ratchet
31 Guy Jared Givens Chew Razor
32 Hank Jasmine Gunney Chickenboy Reaper
33 Hannibal Jenn Harkness Chunk Redeye
34 Hardy Jess Hauser Church Ripper
35 Hari Jill Hell Cinder Roach
36 Harley Jordan Holmes Cleaver Rock Teeth
37 Jack Juana Hoyt Clubswinger Rocket
38 Jak Julian Hunsiker Cochise Rocket Man
39 Jake Karen Hunter Cowboy Rocksalt
40 Jesus Karin Jericho Craze Runty
41 Jimbo Kasha Johnson Creep Savage
42 Johnny Kate Jones Crud Scamp
43 Jorn Kee Karnak D-Day Scorpion
44 Joss Kerrie Kaufman Daft Scratch
45 Judd Kezia Keegan Darkwolf Scrubby
46 Jux Kiri Killian Dawg Sex Machine
47 Kane Kora Kogan DeeJay Shades
48 Karl Lacey Kovack Doc Shorty
49 Kirk Lakella Krippin Dogbite Shotgun
50 Korvis Lenina Krueger Domina Slab
51 Kosai Lizzie Lazarus Doobie Slack
52 Kruger Lori Leland Dragon Slag
53 Kyle Lucy Lewis Dread Slash
54 Lance Lynka Maddox Drifter Slaughter
55 Leon Maida Mason Dynamo Sloth
56 Leroy Mara Miller Egg-Head Smack
57 Lester Mary Morgan Eightball Smiley
58 Logan Meda Mulligan Elvis Snake
59 Luther Melina Murphy Fireball Snow
60 Malcolm Mercy Nemnez Fishface Soot
61 Marachek Milenka Novak Flint Sparky
62 Mark Mina Plissken Foxy Spider
63 Marko Mocha Powers Friday Spook
64 Max Nady Raven Frost Spotted
65 Mel NAra Redridge Gas Squidlips
66 Nero Nikki Reese Gaunt Stinky
67 Nord Noel Reynolds Giant Streak
68 Orrin Nyla Richter Gimp Strike
69 Ozzie Pirrie Riker Granny Stripe
70 Patric Pris Rockatansky Gunner Stump
71 Prather Rachel Romero Gypsy Subzero
72 Priam Randa Rooker Hammer Sweet Boy
73 Rado Rebeka Rubrick Harpy T-Bone
74 Rick Regina Shane Hatchet Tainted
75 Rinaldi Reya Sharp Hawk Teacher
76 Rusty Rosaria Sheppard Hog The Bruiser
77 Sather Rose Skeet Hook The Duke
78 Silas Rowan Slater Hophead The Elder
79 Skyler Sadge Smith Hot Dog The Hangman
80 Sloan Sandra Snode Hulk The Ogre
81 Sol Sarah Spartan Hydro The Poor Dufus
82 Spike Scarlet Steele Ice The Younger
83 Stark Serena Sterling Impact Thorn
84 Steve Shandra Stone Ironface Thrasher
85 Sven Solara Strong Jackal Toad
86 Syd Somi Sujata Jailbait Tongue
87 Tark Stacy Sutherland Jumbo Torcher
88 Theo Swan Thorn K-Mart Torque
89 Tucker Tawney Treadwell Killjoy Trash
90 Twist Tawny Turkel Lash Trouble Man
91 Van Tisha Turnbull Leech Turkey
92 Vernon Valaria Tyrell Lefty Twitch
93 Vic Valerie Valentine Looney Toons Tyrant
94 Viktor Vena Vallon Lord Vile Ugh
95 Vincente Vinya Vinokur Lucky Vermin
96 Vinny Ylfa Von Steiner Mace Viper
97 Vondo Yona Vux Mad Dog Vulture
98 Xylo Zara Walker Mako Whiplash
99 Yuri Zhora West Mean Machine Whisper
00 Zed Zoe Zydeco Mohawk Witch


  1. this doesn't help at all.

    1. Literally 500 names. How is this *not* the most helpful thing??

    2. yea how you just ask an echo or google to pick a number from 1- 100 for each and use that from each catigory this has helped me get the name for my books main charictor all i did was change spelling from damon to daimon

  2. 91 Van Tisha Turnbull Leech Turkey
    Van its a Armenain old city (This not Turkish)

    1. It's not supposed to be Turkish. If you look at the column headers, "Turkey" is a nickname.

    2. That is wrong. Van is old kurdish, turkish and somewhat armenian city as well. Even if it is supposed be Turkish, nothing wrong with it.

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  4. This is a great resource for generating post-apocalyptic character names.
