Thursday, July 28, 2016

Marauder Unit Name Generator

This is a companion entry to my Gang Name Generator. I meant to post this yesterday, but forgot. Also, this is part of a series of random generator posts I’ve been working on (and keep getting derailed when I realize I need yet another random table (or set thereof) to make the one I’m working on more useful). Use this one for rampaging marauder bands, mercenary units, and the tables at the bottom for survivalist militias.

Basic Table
1 [Rank] [Name]'s [Unit]
2 The [Adjective] [Unit]
3 [Ordinal] [Adjective] [Unit]
4 [Ordinal] [Type]
5 [Adjective] [Unit]
6 [Adjective] [Type]
7 [Rank] [Name]'s [Type]
8 [Ordinal] [Adjective] [Type]
9 [Rank] [Name]'s [Adjective] [Unit]
10 [Rank] [Name]'s [Adjective] [Type]

Ordinal “Table”
Roll 1d100 and convert number to an ordinal (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 25th, 66th, 90th, etc.).

Name “Table”
Pick a name or roll on the random name generator of your choice.

Rank & Unit Tables
Roll Rank Unit
01 Adjutant Army
02 Brigadier Battalion
03 Captain Battery
04 Centurion Brigade
05 Chiliarch Century
06 Colonel Cohort
07 Commander Company
08 Decurion Corps
09 General Detachment
10 Hecatonarch Division
11 Legate Force
12 Lieutenant Legion
13 Major Patrol
14 Marshal Phalanx
15 Master Chief Platoon
16 Merarch Regiment
17 Sergeant Section
18 Sergeant Major Squad
19 Strategos Squadron
20 Tribute Troop

Adjective & Type Tables
Roll Adjective Roll Adjective Roll Type Roll Type
01 Airborne 51 Joint 01 Air Cav/Air Cavalry 51 Infantry
02 Airmobile 52 Jungle 02 Air Defense 52 Jagers
03 Alpine 53 Lethal 03 Airborne 53 Janissaries
04 Amphibious 54 Light 04 Archers 54 Knights
05 Arctic 55 Lost 05 Assassins 55 Lancers
06 Armor 56 Marine 06 Bandits 56 Landsknechts
07 Armored 57 Mobile 07 Batteries 57 Legionnaires
08 Artillery 58 Mortar 08 Bears 58 Lions
09 Assault 59 Motorized 09 Berserkers 59 Mamelukes
10 Barbarous 60 Mountain 10 Boys 60 Marauders
11 Black 61 Mounted 11 Brotherhood 61 Mercenaries
12 Blasphemous 62 Naval 12 Brownshirts 62 Militia
13 Blue 63 Night 13 Buccaneers 63 Minutemen
14 Bomber 64 Orange 14 Bushwhackers 64 Musketeers
15 Bone 65 Ordnance 15 Cannoneers 65 Panzers
16 Bronze 66 Parachute 16 Carabiniers 66 Paramarines
17 Brown 67 People’s 17 Cataphracts 67 Paratroopers
18 Cannon 68 Pious 18 Cavaliers 68 Pathfinders
19 Ceremonial 69 Provisional 19 Cavalry/Cav 69 Peltats
20 Coastal 70 Purple 20 Cazadores 70 Pikemen
21 Deadly 71 Reaper 21 Colonials 71 Pioneers
22 Death 72 Red 22 Commandos 72 Pirates
23 Death’s Head 73 Reverent 23 Corairs 73 Privateers
24 Demolition 74 Righteous 24 Cossacks 74 Rangers
25 Devil’s 75 Riverine 25 Crusaders 75 Rats
26 Devout 76 Royal 26 Cuirassiers 76 Reapers
27 Divine 77 Sacred 27 Defense Artillery 77 Reiters
28 Expeditionary 78 Sacrilegous 28 Dervishes 78 Riders
29 Faithful 79 Saintly 29 Dragons 79 Riflemen
30 Faithless 80 Satan’s 30 Dragoons 80 Rifles
31 Field 81 Shadow 31 Enforcers 81 Robbers
32 Fighting 82 Siege 32 Engineers 82 Rocketeers
33 Flying 83 Signals 33 Firestarters 83 Ruffians
34 Force Recon 84 Silver 34 Fusiliers 84 Sappers
35 Godless 85 Sinful 35 Gallowglasses 85 Scouts
36 Godly 86 Skeleton/Skeletal 36 Gladiators 86 Scouts
37 Gold 87 Skull 37 Goldshirts 87 Sentinels
38 Gray 88 Skull & Crossbones 38 Greenshirts 88 Sepoys
39 Green 89 Special Boat 39 Grenadiers 89 Skirmishers
40 Heavenly 90 Special Intelligence 40 Greyshirts 90 Slingers
41 Heavy 91 Steel 41 Guard 91 Snipers
42 Heavy Weapons 92 Storm 42 Guardsmen 92 Spartans
43 Hell’s 93 Talon 43 Gunners 93 Special Air Services
44 Howitzer 94 Tank 44 Hellfighters 94 Special Forces
45 Imperial 95 Totenkopf 45 Highlanders 95 Stalkers
46 Impious 96 Unholy 46 Hobilars 96 Storm Troopers
47 Independent 97 Virtuous 47 Hoplites 97 Thugs
48 Infernal 98 Weapons 48 Horsemen 98 Tigers
49 Interceptor 99 White 49 Hussars 99 Vedettes
50 Iron 00 Wicked 50 Immortals 00 Volunteers

Format: [Region]* [Unit]
*50% chance of Region 1 or Region 2

Region Table
Roll Region 1 Roll Region 1 Roll Region 2 Roll Region 2
01 10,000 Lakes 51 Devil’s Peak 01 Magic Mountain 51 Red River
02 Acadiana 52 Dixie(land) 02 Maine 52 Red Rock
03 Adirondack 53 Dust Bowl 03 Mammoth Cave 53 Rhode Island
04 Alabama 54 East Coast 04 Maryland 54 Rio Grande
05 Alaska 55 Eldorado/El Dorado 05 Massachusetts 55 Rocky Mountain
06 Allegheny 56 Everglades 06 Medicine Lake 56 Saddle Moutain
07 Appalachian 57 Flathead 07 Merrimak Valley 57 Saint Lawrence Valley
08 Arizon 58 Flint Hills 08 Mesa Verde 58 Salt Lake
09 Arkansas 59 Florida 09 Mesquite Mountains 59 San Francisco Bay
10 Atchafalaya Basin 60 Florida Keys 10 Michigan 60 Sand Hills
11 Bald Mountain 61 Four Corners 11 Mile High 61 Sangre de Christo
12 Bayou 62 Franklin 12 Minnesota 62 Sequoia
13 Big Bend 63 Freedonian Rebellion 13 Mississippi 63 Shenandoah
14 Big Cypress Swamp 64 Georgia 14 Missouri 64 Sierra Madre
15 Big Gum Swamp 65 Grand Canyon 15 Mojave 65 Sierra Nevada
16 Big Horn 66 Grand Mesa 16 Montana 66 Silicon Valley
17 Big Sky Country 67 Grand Staircase 17 Mount Charleston 67 Smoky Hills
18 Bighorn 68 Grand Teton 18 Nebraska 68 Snake River
19 Black Canyon 69 Great Basin 19 Nevada 69 Sonoran
20 Black Hills 70 Great Dismal Swamp 20 New England 70 South Carolina
21 Black Mountain 71 Great Lakes 21 New Hampshire 71 South Dakota
22 Black Rock 72 Great Plains 22 New Jersey 72 Spirit Mountain
23 Blood Mountain 73 Great Smoky Mountains 23 New Mexico 73 Stateline
24 Blue Ridge 74 Green Mountain 24 New York 74 Sumter
25 Bluegrass 75 Groom Lake 25 Niagra Falls 75 Superior
26 Buffalo Plains 76 Gulf Coast 26 North Carolina 76 Table Rock
27 Cactus Flats 77 Hawaii 27 North Dakota 77 Tahoe
28 California 78 Hawkeye 28 Notre Dame 78 Talladega
29 Cape Cod 79 Helena 29 Ohio 79 Tennessee
30 Carlsbad Caverns 80 Hells Canyon 30 Okanogan 80 Texas
31 Carson 81 High Plains 31 Okeefenokee 81 Tornado Alley
32 Cascade 82 Hoosier 32 Oklahoma 82 Twin Peaks
33 Catskills 83 Hudson River 33 Olympic 83 Upper Peninsula
34 Chesapeake Bay 84 Idao 34 Oregon 84 Utah
35 Colombia River 85 Illinois 35 Ouchita Mountains 85 Vermont
36 Colorado 86 Indiana 36 Ozark 86 Virginia
37 Columbia 87 Iowa 37 Pacific Northwest 87 Walla Walla
38 Conch Republic 88 Ireteba Peaks 38 Palmetto Republic 88 Washington
39 Confederate States 89 Jefferson 39 Panhandle 89 West Coast
40 Connecticut 90 Kansas 40 Pecos River 90 West Virginia
41 Crater Lake 91 Kentucky 41 Pecos Valley 91 White Mountain
42 Croatan 92 Klamath 42 Pennsylvania 92 Williamette Valley
43 Cumberland 93 Lakotah 43 Piedmont 93 Wisconsin
44 Cuyahoga Valley 94 Lincoln 44 Pine Barrens 94 Wyoming
45 Dark Canyon 95 Lone Star 45 Piney Woods 95 Yankee(land)
46 Dartmouth 96 Long Island 46 Poconos 96 Yellowstone
47 Death Valley 97 Long Republic 47 Potomac 97 Yosemite
48 Delaware 98 Louisiana 48 Puget Sound 98 Yukon
49 Denali 99 Lower Penninsula 49 Red Butte 99 Yuma
50 Deseret 00 Magee-Gutierrez Republic 50 Red Mountain 00 Zion

Unit Table
Roll Unit Roll Unit
01 Action Coalitin 51 Minutemen
02 Alarm Riders 52 Minutement Alliance
03 America First Party 53 Minutemen Guard
04 American Freedom Network 54 Minutemen Underground
05 American Minutemen 55 Mountaineer Militia
06 American Patriots 56 National Guard
07 American Resistant 57 Patriot Alliance
08 Blood of Patriots 58 Patriot Group
09 Citizens Defense League 59 Patriot Guard
10 Citizens Volunteer Militia 60 Patriot Party
11 Citizens’ Militia 61 Patriot Underground
12 Civil Defense Group 62 Peacemakers Militia
13 Civilian Defense Forces 63 Peoples’ Awareness Coalition
14 Committee of Safety 64 Peoples’ Committee for Safety
15 Constitution Defenders 65 Peoples’ Patriot Coalition Militia
16 Constitution Guard 66 Rangers
17 Constitution Party 67 Regional Militia
18 Constitution Preservation 68 Regional Minutemen
19 Constitution Society 69 Reserve Force
20 Constitutional Militia 70 Reserve Militia
21 Contingent Guard 71 Reserve Minutemen
22 Daughters of Liberty 72 Reserves
23 Defense Force 73 Riders United
24 Desert Militia 74 Rifle
25 Free Militia 75 Riflemen
26 Free Minutemen 76 Savior Unit
27 Free Nation 77 Second Ammendment Committee
28 Free Republic 78 Second Amendment Task Force
29 Freedom Force 79 Security Corps
30 Freemen 80 Sons of Liberty
31 Guard Reserve 81 Sons & Daughters of Liberty
32 Highlands Defense Force 82 Command
33 Home Guard 83 State Defense Force
34 Independence Party 84 State Defense Militia
35 Joint Public Militia 85 State Guard
36 Liberation Army 86 State Military Reserve
37 Liberation Party 87 Survival Group
38 Liberty Alliance 88 Survivalist Alliance
39 Liberty Minutemen 89 Survivalists Alliance
40 Liberty Party 90 Tea Party
41 Liberty Rangers 91 Tea Party Patriots
42 Light Foot Militia 92 Truth Alliance
43 Light Horse Mountain Dragoons 93 Truth Party
44 Light Infantry Militia 94 Unorganized Militia
45 Loyal Minutemen 95 Voluneer Defense Force
46 Loyalist Army 96 Volunteer Field Forces
47 Loyalist Guard 97 Volunteer Militia
48 Loyalist Part 98 Volunteers
49 Militia Corps 99 Watchmen
50 Militia Regiment 00 Well Regulated Militia

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