No. Enc.: 0 (1d2)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 90' (30')
Swim: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 5
Attacks: 2 (bite, tail)
Damage: 2d8, 1d8
Save: L2
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: None
XP: 650
These serpentine creatures are a heavily bio-engineered form of Karenia brevis, the dinoflagellate responsible for the "Red Tide" harmful algal bloom found along the Gulf Coast. A Red Tide appears as a reddish or pinkish serpent, approximately 120' long and 12' in diameter. The head appears as a distinctive bulge containing a large mouth and no discernible eyes.
Typically found near the surface of the ocean, attacking prey from behind or underneath, detecting their victims by motion. They may attack with both a bite and a tail slap in 1 round. If a Red Tide’s bite attack roll is at least 4 higher that the roll needed to hit (or a 19 or 20 are rolled), a victim is swallowed. A being that is swallowed takes 3d6 hit points of damage per round inside the Red Tide’s belly. The damage stops when the character dies or the Red Tide is killed.
Red Tides can also use their powerful bodies to create a small, but powerful wave in the water, similar to a tsunami. This wave propagates out to the side of the Red Tide covering an area 60' by 60'. Everyone in that area must make a save versus energy attacks or take 2d6 points of damage and be submerged. Those that save just take 2D6 damage. Against ships and boats the wave does 2d6 shp and has a 80% chance of capsizing a galley-sized or smaller vessel and a 50% chance of capsizing a sailing ship.
Mutations: Abnormal Size (Gigantism), Carnivore, Free Movement
Sargasso Sulfinator
No. Enc.: 1d4
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: None
Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 6
Attacks: See below
Damage: 1d8 swat, 2d10 crush
Save: None
Morale: None
Hoard Class: XIX (x2)
XP: 1020
A mutated species of Sargassum seaweed that has evolved into a carnivore. A Sargasso Sulfinator is composed of a collection of 4d6 brown seaweed fronds with grape-like gas-filled bladders surrounding a central core. Appearing as a normal mass of sargasso, 1d20x10' in diameter, floating on the surface. Because of this, beings must make a surprise check roll of 1-3 on 1d6 to notice the danger posed by Sargasso Sulfinators. The mouth of the creature is hidden near the the center of the mass.
When prey approaches, a Sargasso Sulfinator attacks with 1D4 of it's fronds. If prey is hit, the creature will attempt to drag the victim into its huge mouth. It takes two rounds for the victim to reach the mouth, and five rounds later the victim is completely digested by the immensely powerful digestive agents within. Each frond can receive 6 points of cutting damage before being severed; severed fronds regenerate fully in 2d6 days.
In addition to physical attacks, if the creature takes damage, there is a 50% that several gas bladders will be punctured, releasing a toxic cloud of gas (Class 7 poison) in a 30' radius.
Mutations: Toxic Weapon, Prehensile Tendrils (Constrictive), Carnivore
No. Enc.: 1 (2d4)
Alignment: Neutral
Swim: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 4
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d4
Save: L2
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: XXI
XP: 355
Mutated versions of Macrocystis pyrifera, these aquatic creatures can be found lairing among vast seaweed beds among the coasts. About 14 feet in total length, Sirenweeds appear, from the waist up, as green or brown skinned humanoid females, with long, flowing hair. From the waist down, generally underwater where it can't be seen, the body appears as a long sea serpent, with a long narrowing tail, covered in long, delicate fins, and ending in a wide, fan-shaped fluke.
Sirenweeds generally attack by using their Captivate mutation to lure in victims, which they then drag underwater to be drowned and consumed. Against aquatic prey, they instead pummel the victim to death.
Mutations: Animal Limbs, Captivate (new), Carnivore, Free Movement, and Full Senses
NEW MUTATION (Beneficial Mental Mutation)
This mutation allows the mutant to produce an invisible field that is enticing to all living creatures. The radius of the field is 50 feet and any creature inside the area of effect must make a save vs. energy or be so enticed will stay as close to the mutant as possible and try to protect it, even to the point of fighting other creatures that draw near. Every 5 rounds anyone enticed by the field may make another saving throw. Until the victim is successful, he will stay near the mutant until he dies from drowning, dehydration, or starvation (whichever comes first).
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