There's quite a few fantasy adventure title generators out there. but nothing really for post apocalyptic adventures, so I thought I'd whip one up.
Here's some pre-generated titles:
MYZ1: In Search for the Metroplex of the Blast Lords
AH2: Journey to the Armory of the Half-Life Mutazoids
PP3: Against the Gamma Droids
MCC4: Dominion of the Mind Creepers
DW5: To Find the Control Cube
GW6: Thorium Station
MF7: Machine Men of the Walking City
TME8: Quest for the Universal Translator
MA9: Cataclysm in City-State of the Grim Battlebots
PA10: Escape from the Bottle City
[Letters]{Dice~1d100}: [Name]
1. PA
2. MA
3. TME
4. MF
5. GW
6. DW
7. MCC
8. PP
9. AH
10. MYZ
1. In Search for the [Place Chart] of the [Adjective Chart] [Being Chart]
2. Journey to the [Place Chart] of the [Adjective Chart] [Being Chart]
3. Against the [Adjective Chart] [Being Chart]
4. [Place Chart] of the [Adjective Chart] [Being Chart]
5. To Find the [Item Chart]
6. [Adjective Chart] [Place Chart]
7. [Being Chart] of the [Place Chart]
8. [Quest Chart] for the [Item Chart]
9. [Disaster Chart] (in or at) [Place Chart]
10. Escape from (the) [Place Chart]
Disaster Chart
1. Calamity
2. Carnage
3. Catastrophe
4. Cataclysm
5. Collapse
6. Contagion
7. Curse
8. Danger
9. Death
10. Destruction
11. Disaster
12. Drought
13. Epidemic
14. Extermination
15. Famine
16. Fiasco
17. Infection
18. Infestation
19. Invasion
20. Massacre
21. Pestilence
22. Plague
23. Scourge
24. Slaughter
25. Starvation
26. Strife
27. Struggle
28. Tragedy
29. Tribulation
30. Trouble
Quest Chart
1. Quest
2. Search
3. Hunt
4. Race
5. Chase
6. Pursuit
Place Chart
1. Archive
2. Arcology
3. Armory
4. Arsenal
5. Asylum
6. Atlantis
7. Babylon
8. Badlands
9. Barony
10. Barrens
11. Barter Town
12. Base
13. Bastion
14. Beantown
15. Big Apple
16. Big Raggedy
17. Bomb Shelter
18. Bottle City
19. Bunker
20. Chi-Town
21. Citadel
22. City-State
23. Command Center
24. Commonwealth
25. Confederation
26. Dee Cee
27. Depot
28. Desolation
29. Dog Town
30. Domain
31. Dome City
32. Dominion
33. Eden
34. Electric City
35. Elysium
36. Empire
37. Eternal City
38. Factory
39. Fallout Shelter
40. Federation
41. Floating City
42. Flying City
43. Fort
44. Fortress
45. Funky Town
46. Freehold
47. Frogtown
48. Gateway
49. Grass Sea
50. Harm City
51. Haven
52. Hollywood
53. Ice Wastes
54. Island
55. Junktown
56. Kingdom
57. La-La Land
58. Lost City
59. Lost Vegas
60. Metro
61. Metroplex
62. Metropolis
63. Mob Town
64. Monument
65. Motor City
66. Olympus
67. Paradise
68. Preserve
69. Prison
70. Redoubt
71. Refinery
72. Refuge
73. Regime
74. Republic
75. River City
76. Rocket City
77. Ruins
78. Safehold
79. Sanctuary
80. Scorched Earth
81. Scraptown
82. Scrapyard
83. Silicon Valley
84. Silo
85. Sin City
86. Springfield
87. Station
88. Steel City
89. Steelyard
90. Stronghold
91. Surf City
92. Tiretown
93. Underground
94. Union
95. Utopia
96. Vault
97. Walking City
98. Worm Town
99. Zalem
100. Ziggurat
Adjective Chart
1. Air
2. Ancient
3. Apocalypse
4. Armageddon
5. Atomic
6. Bestial
7. Black
8. Blast
9. Blood
10. Blue
11. Brain
12. Bone
13. Brutal
14. Chrome
15. Contaminated
16. Corpse
17. Corrupted
18. Crazed
19. Crimson
20. Damnation
21. Damned
22. Dark
23. Death
24. Deathlands
25. Decadent
26. Deep
27. Degenerate
28. Demented
29. Deranged
30. Depraved
31. Doom
32. Doomsday
33. Dying
34. Fallout
35. Feral
36. Fission
37. Fusion
38. Gamma
39. Gamma Ray
40. Gold
41. Green
42. Grey
43. Grim
44. Half-Life
45. Holocaust
46. Hungry
47. Infected
48. Insane
49. Iron
50. Irradiated
51. Kiloton
52. Last
53. Lunatic
54. Mad
55. Malevolent
56. Maniacal
57. Megaton
58. Mental
59. Metal
60. Mind
61. Nefarious
62. Neutron
63. Nuclear
64. Omega
65. Plutonium
66. Proton
67. Psychic
68. Psychotic
69. Purple
70. Radiation
71. Radioactive
72. Radium
73. Ragnarok
74. Red
75. Rust
76. Sanguine
77. Savage
78. Sea
79. Scarlet
80. Shadow
81. Shady
82. Silent
83. Silver
84. Skull
85. Sky
86. Steel
87. Strontium
88. Tainted
89. Titanium
90. Thought
91. Thorium
92. Toxic
93. Uranium
94. Vicious
95. Vile
96. Waste
97. Wasteland
98. Wild
99. X-Ray
100. Zealous
Being Chart
1. Abominations
2. Acolytes
3. Aliens
4. Alliance
5. Ancients
6. Androids
7. Apes
8. Apostles
9. Artificial Intelligence
10. Assassins
11. Battlebots
12. Beastmen
13. Bioborgs
14. Blood-Drinkers
15. Brood
16. Brotherhood
17. Cannibals
18. Children
19. Clones
20. Coalition
21. Corporation
22. Crawlers
23. Creepers
24. Crusaders
25. Cyborgs
26. Dead
27. Despot
28. Dictator
29. Disciples
30. Dominator
31. Droids
32. Dwellers
33. Elders
34. Eloi
35. Emperor
36. Faithful
37. Fiends
38. Flock
39. Flyers
40. Forebearers
41. Freaks
42. Fuel Baron
43. Gene Splicers
44. God's Army
45. Horde
46. King
47. Kingpin
48. Knights
49. Legion
50. Liege
51. Lizardmen
52. Lords
53. Lurkers
54. Machine Men
55. Masters
56. Mauraders
57. Mecha
58. Metal Men
59. Militia
60. Minutemen
61. Morlocks
62. Mutants
63. Mutazoids
64. Muties
65. Ones
66. Overlord
67. Patriots
68. Pigmen
69. Pirates
70. Plantmen
71. President
72. Protector
73. Psykers
74. Purists
75. Raiders
76. Ratmen
77. Ravagers
78. Riders
79. Ro-borgs
80. Robots
81. Screamers
82. Sentinels
83. Serpentmen
84. Sheriff
85. Skulkers
86. Slavers
87. Soldiers
88. Souls
89. Spawn
90. Stalkers
91. Terrors
92. Things
93. Tripods
94. Tyrant
95. Undying
96. War Mechs
97. Warlord
98. Warmachines
99. Zealots
100. Zombies
Item Chart
1. Airship
2. Antidote
3. Artifacts
4. Atomic Torch
5. Battlesuits
6. BFG
7. Blasters
8. Boom Sticks
9. Bubble Car
10. Cache
11. Chainsword
12. Chariot of the Gods
13. Circuit
14. Clean Air
15. Clean Water
16. Cloaking Device
17. Clone Banks
18. Communicator
19. Computer Chip
20. Control Cube
21. Control Key
22. Cryo Capsules
23. Death Rays
24. Dream Machine
25. Electro-Whips
26. Elixir
27. Energy Lances
28. Far-Caller
29. Far-Signaller
30. Fire Lances
31. Fire Starter
32. Floating Belts
33. Flux Capacitor
34. Flying Saucer
35. Foo Fighters
36. Food Analyzer
37. Food Pellets
38. Food Sanitizer
39. Fuel Cells
40. Gas Ejector
41. Gasoline
42. Genesis Device
43. Guzzoline
44. Healing Sarcophagus
45. Hoard
46. Hoverboard
47. Icy Beam
48. Iron Elephant
49. Land Battleship
50. Landship
51. Laser Sabers
52. Light Rods
53. Medicine
54. Medpak
55. Meal Replicator
56. Metal Steeds
57. Murv
58. Mutagen
59. Neuralyzer
60. Ornithopter
61. Paralysis Rods
62. Pla'aht Device
63. Power Armor
64. Power Bands
65. Power Cells
66. Power Glove
67. Project
68. Protein Packs
69. Proton Pack
70. Psychic Amplifier
71. Psychic Dominator
72. Psychic Nullifier
73. Pure Water
74. Radiation Drugs
75. Ray Guns
76. Reactor
77. Recharging Unit
78. Relics
79. Remedy
80. Rocket Ship
81. Solar Still
82. Sonic Screwdriver
83. Seeds/Seed Packet
84. Shining Armor
85. Silver Suits
86. Skyboat
87. Slugthrowers
88. Sonic Torch
89. Stealth Suits
90. Steel Dragon
91. Steel Pegasus
92. Stimshot
93. Submarine
94. Super Computer
95. Survivor's Cache
96. Treasures
97. Universal Translator
98. Vibroblades
99. Water Filter
100. Wonders