No. Enc.: 1d6 (3d10)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 60' (20')
Swim: 90’ (30’)
Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 2
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6 or weapon type
Save: L1
Morale: 9
Hoard Class: XXII
XP: 20+
These creatures are the often mutated descendants of the inhabitants of underwater dome cities, military bases, modular habitations, and research stations. They appear as metal-headed humanoids, with dark, rough looking skin, often covered in algae, kelp, barnacles, limpets, mussels, sea stars, seaweed, and sargassum. Deep Divers may be found in and around seas and oceans, rarely venturing too far inland. Fishmen, Giant Octopi, Giant Squid, and monstrous sharks are their natural enemies.
While generally not a threat to land dwelling creatures, they are occasionally found in small hunting or salvage parties which may attack other creatures for food or salvageable material. They are typically armed with a knife and one other weapon. Roll 1d12 to determine what other weapon they have: 1 - Underwater Pistol, 2 - Axe, 3 - Pry Bar, 4 - Grappling Hook, 5 - Harpoon, 6 - Speargun , 7 - Hawaiian Sling, 8 - Trident, 9 - Harpoon Gun, 10 - Polespear, 11 - Powerhead, 12 - Underwater Assault Rifle.
Mutations: 50% chance of mutations, roll 1d6 times on Mutation Table below.
No. Enc.: 1d6 (1d6x10)
Alignment: Varies, see below
Movement: 90' (30')
Swim: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 1+2
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1d6 or weapon type
Save: L1
Morale: 8
Hoard Class: XXII
XP: 10+
Frogmen are mutant humanoids who primarily live in underwater communities. While generally similar in appearance, with long, flippered feet, large monocular eyes, and strange mouths connected by tube-like growths to large tanks or canisters on their backs or chests, there are many different tribes of Frogmen. Tribes of Frogmen can be identified by their coloration, known coloration includes (alignment in parantheses); black & grey (N), black & red (C), black & yellow (C), black (N), blue & yellow (L), blue (L), dark green (N), grey (C), light green (C), orange (L), pink (L), red & gray (C), red (C), silver (N), and yellow (N). Generally encountered in coastal areas, they can sometimes be found near lakes and large rivers. Pirates, Fishmen, Sharks, and Sea Snakes are their natural enemies.
Groups of Frogmen encountered will generally be of the same tribe. All will be armed with a knife and may have another weapon present (50% chance). Roll 1d12 to determine what other weapon they may have: 1 - Underwater Pistol, 2 - Boarding Axe, 3 - Cutlass, 4 - Grappling Hook, 5 - Harpoon, 6 -Speargun , 7 - Hawaiian Sling, 8 - Trident, 9 - Harpoon Gun, 10 - Polespear, 11 - Powerhead, 12 - Underwater Assault Rifle.
Mutations: 33% chance of mutations, roll 1d4 times on Mutation Table below.
Roll | Mutation | Roll | Mutation |
1 | Amphibious (NEW) | 7 | Ink Spray (NEW) |
2 | Bioluminescence (NEW) | 8 | Nightvision |
3 | Body Dehydration (NEW) | 9 | Slow Mutant |
4 | Echolocation | 10 | Swimming Fins (NEW) |
5 | Gills (NEW) | 11 | Vision Impairment |
6 | Increased Caloric Needs | 12 | Webbed Hands & Feet (NEW) |
Amphibious (New; Beneficial Physical Mutation)
A character with this mutation can breathe freely in air or water, but suffers from the need to drink twice as much liquid as normal or risk dehydration.
Bioluminescence (New; Beneficial Physical Mutation)
Creatures with this ability can cause their body, a special organ, or parts of their body to emit light. Roll 1d8 to determine color: 1 - Violet, 2 - Yellow, 3-4 - Green, 5-6 - Blue, 7 - Orange, 8 - Red. Roll 1d6 to determine specific ability:
1. Bioluminescent Cloud Spray. Similar to the ink spray mutation, except this ability sprays out a cloud of bioluminescent particles, which has a similar effect underwater. It reduces visibility and smell to zero for up to 10 minutes in a 20' radius. However, it can only be used once per day due to the high metabolic costs of producing the bioluminescent particles.
2. Bioluminescent Blinding Pattern. Another advanced form of the bioluminescence, which allows the creature to modulate and pulse the bioluminescent photophores in a pattern designed to blind the target creature. The effects and saving throw are the same as Nonlethal Photon Grenade. 3. Bioluminescent Lure. This mutation generates a dangling appendage which glows, making the mutant appear to be another, smaller, creature. Smaller creatures, upon which the mutant feeds, are attracted to the patch, mistaking it for food. Make a saving throw vs stun for creatures to determine if they make this mistake and move closer to the mutant.
4. Whole Body Bioluminescence. The entire body glows, illuminating a 30' radius area. This light will not emit heat, and does not interfere with infravision etc. If the mutant loses consciousness while using this ability, the glow will rapidly fail.
5. Bioluminescent Distraction Pattern. This advanced form of bioluminescence allows the creature to further distract the predator or prey by modulating or pulsing the bioluminescent producing organs in a distracting pattern. Make a saving throw vs stun, failure means a -2 to the victim's to hit rolls.
6. Bioluminescent Hypnosis. The most advanced form of bioluminescent defense, wherein the luminescent patches or photophores are pulsed in a hypnotic pattern. The effects and saving throw are identical to Fragrance Development.
Gills (New; Beneficial Physical Mutation)
Allows the character to breathe normally underwater. In air, they can hold their breath for CONx1 rounds or use a special liquid breathing apparatus. They receive a +2 to save vs the effects of gasses, but are -2 to save vs chemicals in liquid mediums (i.e. an underwater toxin).
Ink Spray (New; Beneficial Physical Mutation)
A character with this mutation can expel a large cloud of a dark ink-like substance that obscures all vision within a 40’ radius (20' underwater). This provides complete cover, but incurs a -4 penalty to attack when within the ink cloud. Above water, the cloud persists in still conditions for 1d3+6 turns and in windy conditions for 1d3+1 turns. Underwater the cloud persists for 1d4+2 turns.
Swimming Fins (New; Beneficial Physical Mutation)
The character has grown fins on the arms, back, and legs. This mutation gives the character an increase of 25% in swimming movement. Note: This mutation is not mermaid-like fins instead of legs
Webbed Hands & Feet (New; Beneficial Physical Mutation)
This mutation gives the character an increase of 25% in swimming movement. It also makes it difficult to use firearms.
Body Dehydration (New; Physical Drawback Mutation)
If a character with this mutation does not periodically immerse their body in water, their skin tends to dry out and desiccate, causing damage to their body until they die. Roll 1d4 to determine level of dehydration:
1. Simple. Can survive out of water for 3d6 hours, takes 1d4 damage per turn after that.
2. Mild. Can survive out of water for 2d4 hours, takes 1d6 damage per turn after that.
3. Severe. Can survive out of water for 1d4 hours, takes 1d8 damage per turn after that.
4. Extreme. Can survive out of water for 1d6 turns, takes 1d10 damage per turn after that.
Liquid Breathing Apparatus. This is either a variant of the Advanced Breathing Appartus which uses a liquid breathing medium, or a water filtration and water supply system for gilled mutants and creatures which allows them to function in air environments.
Wetsuit (AC8)
A garment of foam-like material which provides insulation against the cold of water as well as some minor abrasian resistance. 5 lbs weight.
Dry Suit (AC 7)
A suit designed to insulate the wearer against cold water conditions (usually even colder than conditions where a wetsuit would be worn). Also used as survival suits and hazmat barriers in toxic environments. These suits tend to be fire retardant but are very hot in non-aquatic/arctic environments. 7 lbs weight.
Standard Diving Dress (AC 5)
A specialized diving suit which is used for work on sea beds and ocean floors. It is designed to resist encounters with barnacles and sharp rocks, as well as maintain the diver's body heat. 12 lbs weight.
Shark Suit
Atmospheric Diving Suit
Weapon | Damage | Weight | Cost |
Belaying Pin | 1d4 | 1/2 lbs | 1 gp |
Boarding Axe | 1d8 | 3 lbs | 6 gp |
Boarding Pike | 1d8 | 6 lbs | 4 gp |
Cutlass | 1d6 | 2 lbs | 7 gp |
Grappling Hook | 1d4 | 3 lbs | 3 gp |
Harpoon | 1d4+1 | 6 lbs | 3 gp |
Hawaiian Sling | 1d8 | 1 lb | 5 gp |
Marlinspike | 1d4 | 1/2 lbs | 3 gp |
Polespear | 1d6 | 3 lbs | 2 gp |
Powerhead | 1d10 | 5 lbs | 17 gp |
Harpoon Gun, Net Gun, and Speargun
Belaying Pin. A metal or wooden device consisting of a cylindrical shaft and round handle, used primarily to secure lines on a sailing ship, but often improvised into a small club.
Boarding Axe. A type of axe commonly used for fire fighting, wood felling, and cutting ropes and lines. Similar in appearance to a tomahawk (and several tomahawks began as cut down versions of boarding axes), but with the features of a fire axe.
Boarding Pike. A thrusting spear designed for shipboard use to repel boarding parties. Generally shorter than a land-based pike, at 4-8 feet long.
Cutlass. A short, curved sword used for slashing
Grappling Hook. A device with multiple hooks, generally attached to a rope and used to catch and hold objects at a distance.
Harpoon. A specialized fishing spear with one or two barbs, flues, or toggling hooks designed to stick into fish, whales, and other creatures. Generally thrown while attached to a line.
Hawaiian Sling. An elastic loop of tubing used to project a fishing spear similar to how a bow and arrow operates.
Marlinspike. A metal spike generally used to aid in nautical ropework and line handling, but can be used as an improvised knife.
Polespear. An underwater spear generaly used for fishing and an elastic loop, where the elastic is used similar to a slingshot or atlatl to provide more motive force for the spear.
Powerhead. Also known as a bang stick, this pole weapon which uses a contact mechanism to activate a firearm round against a target. Basically a bullet on the end of a staff.
Weapon | Damage | Trigger Type | Normal Range/Max Range | Weight |
Handheld Torpedo Launcher | * | Normal | 200 ft/400 ft | 80 lbs |
Bomb Lance | ** | Normal | 450 ft/900 ft | 20 lbs |
Harpoon Cannon | 10d4 | Normal | 3000 ft/6000 ft | 700 lbs |
Underwater Pistol | 1d10 | Normal | 50 ft./100 ft. | 2 lbs |
Underwater Assault Rifle | 1d12 | Automatic | 150 ft./300 ft. | 8.5 lbs |
**As per RPG
Bomblance. A specialized harpoon gun which uses explosive harpoons.
Handheld Torpedo Launcher. Underwater version of a mini-missile launcher.
Harpoon Cannon. Generally used on surface ships, this is a specialized cannon which fires a large harpoon and cable.
Ink Grenade. The underwater version of a smoke grenade, but functions as the Ink Spray mutation underwater.
Limpet Mine. A waterproof bomb designed to be screwed onto or magnetically attached to ship hulls. It generally functions as a Satchel Charge D, but does double damage if successfully attached to a ship's hull.
Underwater Pistol. A pistol designed to fire either specialized underwater flechettes or supercavitating bullets.
Underwater Assault Rifle. An assault rifle designed to fire either specialized underwater flechettes or supercavitating bullets.